Tucson Area Weather

Tucson, AZ
Tucson, AZ
11:19 am, Mar 24, 2025
temperature icon 79°F
clear sky
Humidity 14 %
Pressure 1016 mb
Wind 6 mph
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Clouds Clouds: 0%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 6:21 am
Sunset Sunset: 6:37 pm

Enjoy Sunshine in Tucson

With more than 350 days of sunshine a year and a higher elevation than Phoenix, Metropolitan Tucson has mild temperatures in the spring, fall and winter. The annual average high is 82 degrees Fahrenheit, with a low of 55 degrees. Cool winter nights typically drop into the 40s, but the days are usually warm and sunny in the 70s. Summer temperatures range with high in the 90s and lows in the 70s. July marks the beginning of the rainy season. Of the approximately 11 inches of annual rainfall, more than half falls from July through September. Tucsonans rarely dress to impress. Instead these desert dwellers take a more relaxed approach, wearing casual clothing for nearly all occasions. Sunscreen is recommended year-round. Add hats and sunglasses for the steamy summer months. A lightweight sweater or coat will generally suffice in the cooler winter months.

Looking For Rental Homes & Condos?

We offer Tucson's best selection of furnished homes, condos and town homes for rent on a weekly or monthly basis.

Getting Started Is Easy!

We will help ensure that your property is properly set up with everything it needs to be a successful vacation rental.
We pride ourselves on offering excellent customer service and we have literally hundreds of testimonials to back that up. Whether you are looking for a vacation in the sun, a corporate rental for business, or temporary housing for a military transfer, Tucson Vacation Rentals has a place for you.
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